Sunday Services

note 1/3/21
Wisdom & Discretion                                                                
note 1/10/21
Fire & Lions Dens
note 1/17/21
The Importance of Trust
note 1/24/21
Philippians 4:8
note 1/31/21
Levels of Prayer - Joe Ruhl

2/7/21 - No Service
note 2/14/21
Patterns of Prayer - Joe Ruhl
note 2/21/21
Accusations Against God
note 2/28/21
note 3/7/21
No Fear
note 3/14/21
Psalm 23
note 3/21/21
Scoffer Is His Name
note 3/28/21
When Anger Rises
note 4/4/21
They Never Knew Him
note 4/11/21
When The Pot Is Stirred
note 4/18/21
Tending Your Soil
note 4/25/21
Wilderness Choices
note 5/2/21
Covenants - Joe Ruhl
note 5/9/21
note 05/16/21
No Fear of Death
note 05/23/21
The Purpose of Favor
note 5/30/21
Memorial Day Ramblings
note 6/6/21
Lesson from The Jackpot
note 6/13/21
Unclean Spirits
note 6/20/21
Keeping the Door Shut
note 6/27/21
The Eyes of Love
note 7/4/21
Psalm 23
note 7/11/21
What a Shepherd Does
note 7/18/21
Prayer - part 1
note 7/25/21
Prayer - part 2
note 8/1/21
Prayer - part 3
note 8/8/21
The Holy Spirit

Church Picnic & Baptisms
note 8/22/21
Purpose of the Holy Spirit's Power
note 8/29/21
The Holy Spirit in Our Lives
note 9/5/21
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
note 9/12/21
Tongues & Prophecy
note 9/19/21
Receiving the Holy Spirit
note 9/26/21
The Holy Spirit is Orderly
note 10/3/21
Revelation 13:-10
note 10/10/21
Revelation 13:10-18

20th Anniversary Celebration!
note 10/31/21
The Beatitudes
note 11/7/21
The Importance of Compassion
note 11/14/21
The Character of Compassion
note 11/21/21
The Character of Forgiveness
note 11/28/21
The Character of Gratitude
note 12/5/21
A Character That Reflects the Father
note 12/12/21
A Character of Gentleness and Self-Control
note 12/26/21
Freedom from Fear

Other Messages: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

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