Sunday Services

War on the Floor - Not recorded
note 1/13/19
Playing by the Rules: Be Watchful

No service due to winter storm
note 1/27/19
Playing by the Rules: The Commandments
note 2/3/19
Playing by the Rules: The Power We Have
note 2/10/19
Playing by the Rules: Green-Eyed Monster
note 2/17/19
Playing by the Rules: Other gods
note 2/24/19
Playing by the Rules: Sabbath Rest
note 3/3/19
Playing by the Rules: The Name
note 3/10/19
Playing by the Rules: Bearing Witness
note 3/17/19
Playing by the Rules: Adultery Is...
note 3/24/19
Angela Wooddell: The Joys of Marriage
note 3/31/19
Playing by the Rules: Coveting
note 4/7/19
Playing by the Rules: Murder
note 4/14/19
Playing by the Rules: Theft & Sabbath
note 4/21/19
His Victory
note 4/28/19
Wait on the Lord
note 5/5/19
The Power of Praise

Not recorded
note 5/19/19
Faith Produces Patience
note 5/26/19
note 6/2/19
Galatians 5
note 6/9/19
Joy and Abundance
note 6/16/19
Father's Day
note 6/23/19
Romans 1
note 6/30/19
Romans 2

Did not record
note 7/14/19
note 7/21/19
Romans 4
note 7/29/19
Authority vs. Fear
note 8/4/19
New Fire
note 8/11/19
John 3 - Being Born Again
note 8/18/19
Types of Seed
note 8/25/19
Only Believe (pt.1)
note 9/1/19
Help my Unbelief (pt. 2)

Not recorded
note 9/15/19
Fruit of the Spirit
note 9/22/19
Love Really Is...
note 9/29/19
note 10/6/19
1 Cor. 13:1-3 part 1
note 10/13/19
1 Cor. 13:1-3 part 2
note 10/20/19
1 Cor. 13:8-15
note 10/27/19
Love and the Gifts
note 11/3/19
The USA and Rome - Joe Ruhl
note 11/10/19
1 Cor. 13:3-7
note 11/17/19
Love and Longsuffering
note 11/24/19
Knowing Him
note 12/1/19
True Patience is Kind
note 12/8/19
Behaving Rudely
note 12/15/19
Rudeness and Wrinkle Bombs
note 12/22/19
Greater Love
note 12/29/19
Love Seeks Not Its Own

Other Messages: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

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